Finca Buena Vista (Good View Farm) is owned by Eneil Bayona. A coffee farmer by heritage, he works hard to achieve better coffee prices for farmers so they can provide for their families and improve production quality. This is a major reason behind the three certifications of this crop. He also makes a concerted effort to develop innovative planting techniques and tests new coffee varieties with other famers in the region.
This crop of Colombia Sierra Nevada is an easy-to-drink coffee. It provides smooth, fruity notes without being overwhelming.
Eneil Bayona:
Colombia Sierra Nevada is available at our Cedarville Café as a pour-over for $3.50, or here, at our online store!
Recommended For: Anyone looking to get their feet wet in berry flavors with a medium-light roast should try this.
Flavor Profile: A smooth mouthfeel with notes of Cherry, Cocoa and Brown Sugar.
Country of Origin: Colombia
Varieties: Colombia, Typica, Castillo
Process: Fully Washed
Elevation: 3,828-4,669 feet
Harvest: October-February
Certifications: USDA Organic, Rainforest Alliance Certified, and Smithsonian Bird Friendly.
Suggested Brewing Methods: Pour-Over, Drip
Farm Location: